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This is exactly Types Examples, and Methods Examples of relationship-bas research questions include: What is the relationship between purchasing power and business location? The right research questions will help you collect the most objective answers useful for systematic investigation. A good research question requires an unbias answer that can be answer through existing sources of information. Furthermore, a good research question seeks answers that contribute positively to the body of knowlge; therefore, it is a question that has yet to be answer in the context of your specific research.
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Open-End Questions An open-end question is a research. Question that does not limit the respondent to a set of pre-consider answer options. In other words, it is a question that allows the respondent to freely express his or her opinions Mexico Phone Number List and feelings about the subject of the study. Examples of open-end questions How do you cope with stress in the workplace? What does a typical day at work look like for you? Clos Questions A clos question is a survey question that limits respondents to a pretermin set of answers, such as a multiple-choice question. Clos questions usually require a yes or no answer and are often us in quantitative research to collect numerical data from research participants.
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Examples of clos-end questions Did you enjoy this activity? Yes No How likely are you to recommend our services? Likert Scale Questions Mexico Whatsapp Number Likert Scale. Questions Likert Scale Questions Likert. Scale Questions are clos-end questions structur as point, point, or point psychometric scales. Such questions are us to measure survey respondents’ attitudes toward multiple variables and can be unipolar or bipolar in nature. Sample Likert Scale Questions How satisfi are you with our service.