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First things In our case, Samokat had an expert Telegram channel – a blog with an audience of thousands who had already read the publish content. The project strategy was divid into three main stages, depending on the goals and KPIs. After each stage, we conduct analytics: we discuss the results, the questions that had arisen, and decid whether we would move on to the next one or further refine the current stage, finalizing the materials and thinking through additional ways to gain subscribers.

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Launching advertising in Telegram Bulgaria WhatsApp Number List Ads with driving traffic to the channel and to specific posts in the channel (Reach) Our first and main task was to reach as many users as possible and collect reactions. In a short and simple message, they talk about the main USP (unique selling propositions) of the Scooter, warming up the audience for further interactions. The traffic was direct to Samokat’s Telegram channel. Messages of no more than characters vari depending on whether we were leading to a channel or to a specific thematic post describing the offer.

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Them without even asking

If on the channel, we broadcast the Lebanon Phone Number general. USP of the Scooter and mention its main advantage – prompt delivery. For a more personaliz approach. We promot individual channel articles to audiences. Who might be interest in them. And they show ads in channels on topics where this audience is present. Telegram Ads is not particularly. Generous with audience targeting, like other platforms: you cannot select the user’s age and. At the time of launching advertising campaigns, his geolocation. In the settings it was possible to specify only the language. Topics, names and lists of specific channels where the ad would be shown. In total, we test possible areas of user interest. Individually and in different combinations; for each case, we creat and post our own text.

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