Basic guide to doing Account Based Marketing (ABM)
As the Americans say, Account Based Marketing (ABM) is not rocket science . It is an unstoppable trend and it makes perfect sense. ABM gives a name and method to a way of working that is already used by many, even without knowing it.
This is a hypersegmentation strategy when attacking a specific account, usually in the B2B segment.
To do this, we have established a few steps, namely
1. Identification of Key Accounts
Identification of Key Accounts and key contacts in each of them. This makes sense when we do business with large companies, with different interlocutors and we have long and very thoughtful sales processes, where decisions are usually collegial (or almost).
2. Personalization
Segmented and personalized content for each of the engineer database interlocutors, taking into account their interests, motivations, moment in the “ buyer’s journey ” and area within the company.
3. Choosing the right channels for Account Based Marketing
Remember, ABM is all about personalization, understanding your audience, and building trust . If your customer is a digital dinosaur, don’t bother, they’ll never read your Medium posts.
4. Alignment with sales
Always. But in ABM strategies more than ever. It is crucial to უნქცია გააუმჯობესებს თქვენს მცდელობ create relationships of trust between each of the Account Managers and their interlocutors in the client or future client. Find the KPIs to measure social networks here .
5. Create measurement KPIs
From each individual action. Paying attention to measuring japan data each small indicator will make it easier to rectify the situation and readjust strategies. Don’t wait to measure the final ROI. Everything counts.
Account Based Marketing is therefore the most Business version of Inbound Marketing, applicable and recommended in cases where the complexity of the account and/or our offering make it necessary. Contact mbudo to learn more about Inbound Marketing and the Account Based Marketing strategy.