Awards 2015, where readers select the best content

Competition in the blogosphere, despite. The drop in register blogs that the awards. Suffered, going from   blogs in 2013 to 15,827 blogs.  Register last year 2104; which translates into. A spectacular drop in the number of participants of 39%.

As for voter turnout, the figures

are similar, going from 258,140 votes in 2013 to 162,315 in 2014; which also translates into a 37% drop in the total number of votes.

Despite everything, the numbers speak for themselves, and give us an idea of ​​the level of participation, exposure and high competition, and the interest of the blogger world in achieving the best results.

A special incentive that the  Awards also have is that they have the collaboration and participation of the , which provides coverage, promotes and disseminates the news of the contest.

How  the Awards work

The dynamics of the competition are very simple and are based on the participation of readers and their right to vote, through promotion by the blogs participating in the Awards.

Therefore, if a blog or blogger wants to participate, the first thing they must do is get someone to vote for them, that first vote, so that they can be “in”.

In this way, each blog promotes and launches its own campaigns to attract votes, with the peculiarity that each reader can cast up to 5 free and anonymous votes per category.

An open and plural contest

To vote, the user/reader must click on this link,  and register. Registration.

Then you just have to select the category or categories (users must choose from more than 18 categories) in which you want to give your opinion and vote; and write the web addresses of up to 5 blogs per category, ideally voting for your favorite blogs.

Logically, you can vote up to 90 times if you want, that is, in the 18 categories, 5 votes per category.

But if you only want to vote for one blog in one category, you can do that too, but why waste 4 more votes when you can lend a hand.

Finally you hit vote and that’s it. You have now actively participated in the  Awards.

Monitoring the Awards

Once the contest is launched, a few weeks have passed so that the vote count is representative, and the most exciting part of the awards begins: the partial classifications.

Each week, the  Awards managers will provide partial lists of the 25 blogs with the most votes (to date) for each category through their Twitter account and the RTVE Blog. The tension and knowing whether you move up or down the rankings will be key to achieving the final goal.

We cannot forget that this is an endurance test!!!

The voting period ends on November 7th, so the 3 finalist blogs (those with the highest number of votes) will be announced in each category during the week of November 14th, and the jury that will make the final decision will also be announced. The winners will finally be announced on November 27th with the jury’s decision at a spectacular Gala.

Advantages of participating in the  Awards

Blogs participating in   receive a series of advantages that will help in their marketing strategy, simply by participating in the competition.

Here are some of them:

Visibility : The  awards force the blog to plan a promotion and dissemination campaign to get votes, which will have a direct impact on increasing its visibility and brand positioning in the medium term.

In addition, they will appear on the partial lists of their category published on the RTVE Blog and on the social profiles of the benefiting from the traffic and visibility that the awards generate.

Relevance : in one way or another, what blogs try to achieve is that the content they publish periodically is of quality, of interest to potential readers, thus acquiring relevance.

The  help readers see directly

Bog is well positioned and valued, through hundreds or thousands of anonymous votes; which translates into being considered a relevant blog for the community.

A first-hand example was the case  a blog that, barely a year old, came in 43rd place in the 2013  Awards and 33rd in the 2014 edition. In each partial list that they published, the blog appeared fluctuating in position, ending up in the final list among the 50 best Spanish-speaking blogs for two consecutive years. TheAwards gave us relevance, quality and prestige.

SEO : If you manage to get on

the classifieds list, you will undoubtedly receive new quality links every week that will point directly to your website or blog. Links from websites with high traffic and relevant authorship.

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Test your audience : This is a good time to find out how active and loyal your community of readers and users really is. And you’ll realize that converting your traffic into votes is no easy task.

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If you have 40,000 monthly readers, it doesn’t mean you’ll have 40,000 votes. Measure and analyze your conversion rate and establish your own KPI that you can measure and compare every year.

Why vote for Marketing Culture?

This year we are presenting ourselves with the same enthusiasm and energy as the two previous years, where we were positioned in both editions among the 50 best blogs in Spain (position 43 and 38 respectively) thanks to the votes of all the readers and friends o

New edition of 2015, two years older, we have consolidated the blog in visits and in new and relevant collaborations, the video section has been were third in the Marketing Awards of the Marketing Blogosphere 2014…

Actions that have contributed to the top professions of the next 10 years most important thing, to the of the blog, to our reason for being: the support, in continuous growth, of the readers and friends of the blog, which led us to surpass 160,000 visits last year.


So this year 2015, our goal is not

to win, because we are aware that we are “playing” with the best blogs in the alb directory marketing blogosphere, many of them friends and almost the majority of them we read and share, because in the world of marketing bloggers there are no competitors, no losers or losers… but we do want to be among the top 25 blogs.

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