Corporate Easter Greetings: Many Ideas and Examples

The first, almost obvious, goal of sending corporate Easter greetings, both to customers and to your employees or collaborators, is to demonstrate empathy, humanity and therefore  send a sincere wish that this holiday is spent in serenity , perhaps in the name of a nice egg hunt.

Easter greetings can also be used as an excuse to:

  • communicate your  opening or closing times  during the holidays
  • invite your customers or employees to a  party or event
  • encourage orders , for example in the case of a pastry shop
  • invite you to  book  your  table at the restaurant well in advance
  • encourage people to  book sms services a weekend away  to take advantage of the first warm days

What channel to use to send Happy Easter messages

sms services

If you simply send greetings, perhaps reminding them of your opening or closing hours, you can use SMS or email. With  SMS you can be sure that your message is read  and that no one shows up at your door and finds it closed. This will certainly avoid disappointment and anger in your customers who perhaps did not read the email in time.

If you want to send a  promotion, invite to an event or to make a purchase or reservation , you can  send an SMS .  Easter SMS , which we have explored in depth in a  dedicated post , are the safest way to be sure that your message is read.

You can also post on 10 benefits of whatsapp business api you need to know in 2024 social media  and maybe add a nice sign in front of your shop or business window.

Examples of corporate Easter greeting messages

To help you out, we’ve provided you Ideas and Examples with 20 examples of SMS templates that you can use to send your corporate Easter greetings.

Discounts and offers

1. Hi [customer name]! Take deb directory advantage of the Easter offers now. For you 20% discount on everything both in store and online. Use the code PASQUA20 or show this SMS.

2. Reserved for those who subscribe to our SMS newsletter! 10% off your Easter gifts. Use the code SCONTOPASQUA.

SMS with Easter greetings

3. Happy Easter [customer name]! We wish you a wonderful day. We reopen on Tuesday after Easter Monday.

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