Many companies and marketing professionals, when they are going to invest a budget in advertising, limit professional Defining themselves at best to analyzing the different media (written, digital, multimedia…), request some audience and diffusion data, and immediately start planning the media. In other words, once again they focus on the most operational part, forgetting about the most strategic part.
More than a little paradoxical
that one of the largest investment Defining items, not expenditure, of a marketing department and of a company, in many cases, is not executed with a strict methodology, is not measured and analysed, and indicators are not established that attempt to guarantee the maximum possible return on investment in the medium term.
Let’s try to shed some light at the end of this dark advertising tunnel…
Advertising strategy
The advertising strategy is part of the brand’s communication strategy , because advertising is nothing more than another communication channel where the brand seeks to directly impact its client or potential client at the lowest possible cost.
The advertising strategy is therefore a paid, segmented, biased and calculated communication , where the brand chooses where, how, with whom, when and what it is going to communicate.
Analyze the situation
You cannot design an advertising strategy without having data: market data, environmental data , sector data , competitor professional data , company data , target audience data , product and service data, promotion and sales strategy data…
The advertising strategy must be integrated into the Annual Marketing Plan , as it is the only document that includes this type of analysis and conclusions that will help us in decision-making.
Cannot and should not improvis
But what kind of data will be helpful? For example, data from our competitors’ advertising and communication actions, the detailed profile of our clients, consumer and purchasing habits, media studies (EGM, Sofres, Nielsen, etc.), planned marketing actions, social media strategy, information on products and services (new models, price changes, new ranges, different equipment, etc.)…
Who hasn’t experienced at some point that when there has been a drop in sales, the solution has quickly been to design and launch an advertising campaign…
planning we can avoid
External and internal communication and advertising
Once we have all the data analyzed and the conclusions analyzed, we must work on all the communication lines hand in hand, coherent with each other, complementing and strengthening each other.
Every brand input that generates impact must be planned and measured!!!
We must therefore work together on professional the brand’s external communication, internal communication and advertising from the same perspective.
Includes the following factors to coordinate
Press releases, notes and press releases.
Social networks.
Internal communication to employees, suppliers, distributors…
Advertising campaigns in any medium and format: print media, radio, television, display and affiliate networks, SEM, Adwords…
Now the time to define the strategic
advertising objectives in line with the company’s objectives and marketing and communication objectives.
Objectives that will later set the specific goals for each of the specific campaigns that we will develop and implement during the year.
To give you a clear example:
Company objective : to be the sector leader in the category, the first brand recognized by the market.
Marketing objective : increase sales by 3% compared to the previous year’s sales.
Communication objective : to position the brand as the leading brand in the sector.
Advertising objective : strengthening brand values that reinforce the feeling of belonging. [/box]
Strategic lines
With the objectives set, we can establish professional strategic lines of action that will help us achieve the objectives and develop the action or operational plan, that is, the advertising campaigns.
The strategic lines to work on are:
Content : what content are we going to base the advertising strategy on, what type of valuable information are we going to take into account to define subsequent advertising campaigns.
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Creativity : With the content defined we can establish the creative lines for each of the campaigns and targets.
Time and planning : we will establish at what times and for what duration we will carry out advertising pressure in the environment, complementing the advertising impacts with the rest of the communicative impacts and trying to ensure that the brand presence in the market is continuous.
Plan of action
It is at this point that we can outline the advertising campaigns that will be planned for the next year, by type of campaign, theme, content, type of message, type of target, by objective…
It is not necessary to develop the entire advertising campaign , as we will do that two months before the start date set for it, but it must be planned.
Measurement and monitoring
An important element that we often forget is measuring the return on investment in advertising. With digital advertising we have tools to measure everything from cost per click, to cost per lead, visits generated…
In the advertising strategy we design the measurement indicators or KPIs that will help us measure the achievement of the set objectives.
We must convert advertising spending into advertising investment by linking the results to sales, to the increase in the client portfolio… in short, to the impact of advertising on the company’s profit and loss account.
In this regard, there are no magic formulas and we must know how to adapt the strategy to each specific business model.
Within the advertising strategy we will define a b2b lead generation: best practices to increase contacts timeline or overview that includes the strategic lines and actions distributed over time by type of content and creative line.
This way we will have at a glance all the communication impacts of our brand in the coming year.
Finally, the strategy must consider agent email list in detail the expenditure items derived from its development, for each of the planned campaigns.