Digital databases, the basis of online marketing

More and more articles that talk. The most out of digital marketing strategies. Get the most out of Twitter or Facebook.  Steps or how to launch an online effective. Email marketing campaign Very important. Aspects that we must know and develop, however. I read very little about a central and critical topic. Every marketing professional must know, control and work with: digital databases.

We talk about digital marketing

Talk about databases, we talk about launching actions and communications whose main objective is to impact the potential target audience. Impacting means knowing, and knowing. Means online having data about that person. Making them go from being unknown.

What do social networks really generate for us? Data and more data from profiles of people who like my brand.

 SEO or SEM for

To position a site as well as possible in databases searches by people or users, who in the final step need to be converted, that is, to have real data such as names and surnames, e-mail, tastes and preferences, their social profiles…

What does content marketing online offer us? Publish quality content to be read by people, people that we must identify in order to establish some kind of link, in order to then generate a sale, a repeat purchase, build loyalty or turn them into super fans.

Let’s not forget that the core business

of Google or Facebook is to have as much data on their users as possible. Data and more data that already generates databases the famous Big Data , which is nothing other than working with data at macro levels to make decisions that directly impact the potential client, to generate profitability.

In this article we are going to delve into the importance of digital databases.

How to create a digital database
The first thing we must do is change the focus of our marketing strategy , our way of seeing and acting in digital marketing.

The focus should  on the customer

and to do so we must know them. To know them we must have data about them (sociodemographic, consumption, satisfaction, purchasing habits, tastes and preferences…). With this data we will know them better and we will be able to fine-tune our actions databases much more, increasing the level of impact and being more effective and efficient.

In this sense we will establish two basic lines of work:

Generate new databases : we must design actions to capture leads or contacts with profiles similar to our product or brand.

We launch actions of type weekly

for example a campaign on Facebook Ads, a digital advertising campaign where we redirect to a landing page, where the potential client leaves their data, or an e-mail on LinkedIn or…

Each contact generated must be passed on to our database of new contacts. These potential leads must be worked on so that they end up converting into a subscription or a fan, but always focused on the final sale.

Digitize and update customer and potential customer databases : it is very important to have all our customers digitized. It may seem obvious, but you cannot imagine the number of companies I have encountered that have not done so.

It is essential to collect all the clients who have generated sales for us (for whom we already have invoices), all those who have asked us for a product or service but did not buy it, and all those who bought from us at a given time but stopped doing so some time ago.

Key aspects for building your digital database

Once we have potential data to digitize, we cannot and should not forget the following aspects:

Types of databases: you must make a decision and decide in which format or program you are going to work with the database: from the simple excel, access, SQL, CSV or database management programs such as Oracle…

Minimum fields to define : it may seem silly but it is necessary to spend time thinking about what type of data I need from each client. In this sense, having more data is not better; it is necessary to have precise data.

Without having a professional CRM (Customer Relationship Manager), which will be the next step, we must know our client and therefore define what type of information we need to obtain from him.

Segmentation : Once we have digitaliz

customer data and more customers, we must start segmenting. Segmenting is nothing more than classifying sets of customers by different types of common characteristics: purchase volume, sector, tastes and preferences…

It is the way to optimize human, economic and time resources.

Methodology and processes : it is extremely important to design and implement a methodology for standardizing and collecting data.

Not everything is worth it!!!

Design it to suit your company or business model but establish minimum requirements for data collection, how and where it is entered, who tabulates and homogenizes it, how it is used and how it is updated…

You will save time, effort, money and headaches!!!

Use 100% verified + high quality data in multiple ways and find business contacts… List your products accurate mobile phone number list and services…. Get your B2B database with us at affordable prices It provides 24/7 support to customers and even advertisers comply with all the content they collect from licensed websites and promote their products/services to increase sales – as UserEngage World  data (All means we collect all possible user data under single window, on the other hand, quality over quantity of phone number database makes you get business leads).

You must not forget with your digital databas

Homogenization and standardization : ensures that all fields comply with the same rules regarding, for example, upper and lower case letters, accents, surnames separated or not, telephone numbers, etc.

accurate mobile phone number list

Update : We must have a competitive database, to do this it is necessary to have all the fields in the database updated, we cannot afford to fail due to lack of dedication

Qualification : It is necessary to qualify the database, that is, to have records that are competitive, with which we can generate profitability of some kind.

It is a difficult decision to discard customer records, but we must do so to be efficient.

Data crossing : with all the previous steps.

Complet, it is time to cross-reference and analyse data to draw conclusions that will help us in decision-making and in the design of digital marketing actions.

What do you think will be more effective, an email marketing campaign to the entire customer database to launch the new loyalty program or being able to customize the program based on customer types?

I imagine many of you will think

that database management is complex and meticulous for a small and medium-sized company, and we completely agree with you. The problem is how to use the power of archetypes in marketing that if you have a digital business or develop digital marketing actions and strategies, you must be aware that if you do not manage and work well with digital databases, you are not really taking advantage of your investment, your human and economic resources.

The entire digital environment alb directory revolves around attracting, retaining and building customer loyalty, which requires us, at one time or another, to have data, store it and process it.

Don’t think twice and get to work because the results will be measurable in the short, medium and long term.

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