Does your business website contribute to business development?

When a new client requests a consultation, the first step is to analyze the company website. This analysis often reveals that. The site works more like an online brochure than as an effective tool for generating leads. website contribute to business development?

It usually emerges that the client’s desire is not so much to have a new site. But rather a site that is more effective in generating leads, sales opportunities and new customers.

The fundamental question is, therefore, to understand how to optimize the website. So that it becomes a tool for the commercial development of the b2b company.

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Let’s now look at the 9 key questions to evaluate the real effectiveness of the b2b website.

1. Does the company website receive an increasing number of visitors month after month?
The company website cannot generate contacts if no one visits it.

It is important to know how many people visit the site each month, to evaluate its performance. Visitors, unique visitors, sessions, and unique sessions are all solid measures of how many people are landing on your site each day.

2. Do you know where exactly your visitors are coming from?

Visitors can come from a variety of sources, including:

Organic searches
Organic social
Direct searches for a specific URL
Email marketing campaigns
Paid advertising
Referral sites
Knowing this data is critical to understanding how well your site is attracting visitors, where you need to improve performance, and which sources are already generating significant traffic.

One of the keys to getting good visitor traffic is to activate all of these sources and make sure they are generating more and more visits, month after month.

3. What is your site’s conversion rate?

Once you know how many people are coming to your site and where they are coming from, you need to analyze your site’s conversion rate to see if it is truly effective at generating leads.

Research shows that the average conversion rate across industries is about 2.9%.

While results vary by business and a variety of factors, if your business website is falling short of this benchmark, there is likely room for improvement. For many businesses, the conversion rate for the entire site is often less than 1%.

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4. Which pages are most visited?

To transform a website from an online brochure email library to a lead generation tool, you need to know which pages are receiving the most visitors. This is where you start to allocate your resources for conversion and lead generation.

If the pages with a lot of visitors have a low conversion adb directory rate, this is where you should start your work on updating them.



5. Which pages are driving the highest conversion rates?

Once you understand which pages are driving the most visitors, you need to analyze which of these pages are the most effective at converting visitors into leads.

This will reveal some important information.

First, what content do those pages offer? This signals what potential customers find most useful.

Second, what do these pages look like? How many fields are in the form? How long is the page? What titles and images are being used?

These insights will provide ideas for improving other pages and driving more leads to your site over time.

6.  website contribute to business development? Which CTAs are driving the highest conversion rates?

Calls to action (CTAs) are the buttons that are used on your site to encourage people to click and convert an anonymous visitor into a new lead. They can be actual graphics or simple buttons with text.

CTAs typically convert between 1% and 3% of impressions.

It’s important to know how CTAs perform. In this HubSpot article, we explain how they can be updated and the quantitative improvement that each of them can bring,

Information of this type allows you to create A/B tests for CTAs and experiment with changes to design and copy, placement on the page and personalization.

The more effective the team is in implementing CTAs, the more leads the company website will generate.

7. Are the number of leads increasing month after month? website contribute to business development?

The b2b site must generate leads, so it is crucial to start tracking exactly how many leads the site is generating today and follow it month by month.

In the beginning, you should work on getting more contacts each month and, by continuing to apply the month by month approach, you will be able to quickly reach the set goal of generated leads.

8. Where do the contacts come from?

We talked about sources at the beginning of this article: organic search, organic social, email, referral sites, paid search, paid social and marketing campaigns. Once you know which sources are producing the most leads, you can focus on the most successful channels and work to improve the others.

Then you need to start looking at the pages that are producing the most leads and apply the same reasoning: it is important to take inspiration from the best performing pages and CTAs, while working to improve the performance of those that, instead, generate fewer leads.

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