Does this mean that online shopping is doom? Not at all. For example, when searching for products in the “Fashion” category, in % of cases people tend to start with marketplaces. And from the brand’s online store – only %. But the user, as a rule, does not stop at the marketplace. The second step often goes to online stores and search engines. The third is on video platforms. Also in the chain of the user’s path will be the brand’s social networks and sites with promotional codes. Having gone through such a difficult path once, the next time he will most likely use an already proven resource.
Business management
In addition, the share of impulse and Ukraine Phone Number List premium purchases is decreasing. The seasonal surge at the end of was weaker than usual. There is also growing interest in other Internet services that compete with marketplaces for user attention. For example, Avito. According to BrandPuls, more than % of users visit the site more than once a month. If in we were surpris to catch new promotion formats on Ozon for brands without product positions, now we can note a new trend – a trading platform as a social network.
The environment without
This is especially evident in Avito. How Cambodia Whatsapp Number does it compare with global trends? Consumers are looking for personaliz and engaging app experiences, such as those bas on interactive game mechanics. A prime example is Temu, which quickly became one of the most popular apps in the App Store and Google Play (launch in September ). Temu is a marketplace that offers a personaliz fe of recommend products bas on shoppers’ interests. Just like TikTok provides an endless list of videos to keep you entertain, Temu offers an endless list of things. This is literally shopping entertainment, and you want to spend time in the application when you are bor. Overall: Personaliz offers can be consider a general trend; they just take different forms depending on the country.