large group of users to talk about your products, services, and issues, as well as to share news and events. create telegram channel After creating a Telegram channel, you can broadcast messages and share photos, videos, stickers, and documents with your followers.
Here’s how you can create a
Telegram channel: Step 1 Open the Telegram app, tap the “Pencil take telegram advertising service icon” and tap “New channel” . select a new channel on telegram Step 2 Enter the “Channel Name”, add an image and description (optional) and tap the Tick in the top right corner. write the name of the telegram channel Step 3 Next, choose whether your group will be “Public or Private” and whether you want people to be able to subscribe to your channel or not.
Tap the Tick next.
How to set up a telegram channel 2. Create your Telegram groups Telegram groups help you connect with like-minded people, however, it can be challenging to navigate these groups if you are new to the platform. Telegram group chats have some unique features that make them stand out from the crowd, such as: Create a chat group with up to 200,000 people. Share videos and other media files.
Send stickers and memes. Share your location. Create you need to take some precautions surveys and set reminders. Share documents or files. Here’s how you can create a Telegram group: Step 1
Open the settings “menu” in the
Telegram app. open settings in telegram app Step 2 Select “Create Group” in the open above new secret chat. select new group in telegram Step 3 Select your contacts and “add” them to your new group.
Step 4 Enter a name for your new group, choose a profile picture, and your aleart news new group is created. Enter a new telegram group name 3. Create your