Onpage vs. Offpage SEO: Differences and decisive factors

Today, no website owner who wants to be found by customers and interested Onpage vs. Offpage SEO: parties on the World Wide Web can avoid optimizing their own website. Search Engine Optimization aka SEO is the method of choice if the content is to ensure a good ranking in the long term. The measures for a good search engine placement can take place both within your own website and on other websites, social media or blogs.

The SEO measures are essentially divided into two groups: on-page and off-page SEO. Which of the two areas is more important? Or does only the mix of both promise increasing click rates? The experts at the online marketing agency , ONELINE, explain the difference and reveal which steps should be implemented first and which later.

Why SEO is important for every website

The Internet is growing every day – and exponentially. In 2005 there were 65 million pages, but in 2021 there are already 1.88 billion pages vying for the attention of users. Even if the number of users is also increasing – the range Onpage vs. Offpage SEO: of things on the web is growing rapidly. The best pages do not always get the most visitors. The secret lies in search engine optimization. Because only those who appear on the first pages of Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ecosia generate significant traffic. In order for the ranking to be correct, a number of SEO optimizations must be carried out, both on-page and off-page. While on-page measures are implemented directly on your own site, off-page optimizations take place on other sites. Both have their justification!

Onpage SEO – this is how it really works!

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The search engine algorithm is a difficult to understand universe of different Onpage vs. Offpage SEO: requirements that poses challenges even for successful online marketing agencies. One thing is essential: high-quality content. Only those who offer relevant content on their site can rank effectively. In addition to the content and important search terms, the title tags, meta description and a stringent structure are also important factors that ensure more traffic on the site. On-page SEO is intended to make a website as readable as possible for search engines and users.

High-quality content and relevant keywordsHigh-quality content is considered the number one success factor in search engine optimization. Keywords play an important role – only if the term searched for by the user appears frequently or in the right places can Google & Co assign the page. Not only the number of keywords – definitely not too few, but also not too many – should be optimal, the distribution is also an important factor.

Page structure and headings

A good structure makes it easier for search engines to understand the page. Speaking headlines and sublines are effective measures, as are tables and big points. One thing is certain: every page should have an Onpage vs. Offpage SEO: H1 heading. But subheadings (H2-H6) should not be forgotten either. The targeted use of subheadings loosens up the text and improves the reading experience for users. The headings should be provided with the appropriate.

The more important the keyword, the more advisable it is to include it in the H1 heading. The main keyword belongs in the main heading. Secondary keywords, on the other hand, can appear in the subheadings H2 to H6.

TitleTagA title tag, also called a “meta title” or “page title,” is an HTML tag that indicates the title of a web page and is usually displayed at the top of the browser window and on the search engine results page (SERP). It is an important factor in on-page SEO because it helps search engines understand the content of the page and provide relevant search results.

An alt text is an attribute in HTML that contains descriptive text for an image or graphic on a web page . It is displayed when the image cannot be displayed for various reasons or when users with visual impairments view the page using a screen reader.

The alt text is an important factor for on-page SEO. Search engines cannot “see” images and therefore rely on the alt text to understand what the image shows. A well-written alt text should contain a short and accurate description of the image or graphic and integrate relevant keywords to more accurately describe the content of the page.

Responsive Design

Mobile searches have long since overtaken desktop searches, prompting Google to give preference to websites with a mobile-friendly design in mobile search rankings. With the move to mobile-first indexing, responsive design has become even more important.

If a website is not mobile-friendly, it can lead to a poor user experience. Which in turn can lead to higher bounce rates, lower engagement and lower rankings in search engine results.

Mobile friendliness assesses how well a website works when visited from a mobile device . A mobile-friendly website has a responsive design that fits the screen of any device without cutting off the content, ensuring that users can navigate without difficulty. Mobile friendliness also takes into account how quickly the page loads.

In order to achieve a high ranking position and ensure a better user experience, it is essential to optimize a website for mobile devices.

Loading speedFast, faster, fastest: the faster the loading speed, the better! According to a study by Google, the probability of a page abandonment increases by 32% when the loading time of a page increases from 1 to 3 seconds. Website operators can measure the time it takes for their page to load. There are a number of tools on the web that help with speed measurement.

If the website loads too slowly, valuable seconds can be gained by making various technical on-page adjustments. Images, graphics and tables should be as small as possible. The file format plays a significant role. With »webp«, Google has developed a format that enables high-quality images with a short loading time . Compressing CSS and JavaScript files is also a possible optimization.

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With off-page optimization , as many relevant links as possible from external Onpage vs. Offpage SEO: sites lead to your own website, thus ensuring greater visibility and awareness. The placement of these links is in the hands of other site operators, so the art lies in networking. Those who actively approach sites with related topics and ask for mutual support will reach their goal more quickly. The more subtle and therefore less promising method is to quietly make an advance payment and hope that others will imitate them. In this case, links to external sites are integrated into your own website without proactively requesting a link in return. Both serve to attract new visitors to your own website. Also not insignificant: Google & Co rate recommendations and links positively.

The most important off-page SEO factors:

  • Backlinks
  • Google Business Profiles
  • Social-Media
  • Rating portals

Quality over quantity! When it comes to backlinks, the professionals at ONELINE look for strong links from strong sites. In fact, too many links from weak sites could even have a negative impact on the ranking british student phone number materials of your own site. In contrast, there are the so-called authority sites, which have an extraordinary PageRank thanks to high-quality content. Links from these sites push your own site particularly effectively. The more related the thematic focus, the more valuable the backlinks are . The target page is also important: if external sites link to relevant subpages instead of the homepage, this brings advantages.

Google Business ProfilesThe Google Company Profile, formerly Google MyBusiness, is a popular source of information for visitors and therefore one of the most important off-page SEO factors. Opening times, contact details, geo-information via Google Maps – the Google Company Profile links directly to the website and transmits data to Google.


Social media are great boosters for your own awareness. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the website operator’s own account, blogs or influencers that link to the site. It’s the click that counts. The greater the reach, the more effective the linking of the on-page optimization; here, more really means more.

Rating portalsRating portals are becoming increasingly popular, as they help users to find aob directory their way around the abundance of content. Those who manage to stand out positively through good content and the quality of their contributions can generate more links.

Onpage before offpage SEO – but best of all, both!

combination of on-page and off-page SEO is most effective for improving the ranking and performance of a website in search engines. However, as an online marketing agency, we recommend prioritizing on-page SEO . These optimizations can be carried out directly on the website and can therefore be implemented more quickly. However, off-page measures should not be neglected under any circumstances, as they can also make an important contribution to improving the ranking.

With our non-binding and free SEO analysis you will receive a comprehensive insight into the current status of your website in terms of on-page and off-page SEO.

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