Download now What is BPM? What it is, how to implement it and some examples You will agree with me if I tell you that sometimes we have quite forgotten the concept of BPM and, sometimes, we donzz’t even know very well what it is, even though it is really very important within a company. Therefore, today we want to give you the tools so that you can delve deeper into the matter and, to do so, we have prepared this article in which we are going to tell you: What BPM is and, most importantly, what it is not. What advantages does it have.
How to implement it. Some examples of BPM in the company
And, in addition, we are going to introduce two concepts such as BPMS and BPMN . With that said, we begin. What is BPM? BPM is the acronym for Business Process Last Database Management , that is, Business Process Manager or Process Management System. As you can see, a very generic name that, although it gives us a glimpse of what we are referring to, does not give us many specific clues either, right? This is because BPM is a work methodology , not so much a unique solution to a unique problem.
What BPM is responsible for is everything
Related to the company’s production processes, from management to modeling or monitoring, making these processes more efficient. The fundamental point of BPM is to see the Arabia Email List production process, so to speak, from above, from the beginning to the end and try to optimize it, instead of focusing on each of the departments or actions separately. Thanks to this, we eliminate friction and make transitions between actions or teams more fluid.