Elena Brykova , Group Head Adventum As a result of sending two push notifications, we also observ unsubscribes. They made up . % of the total number of subscribers. This makes it clear that such touches should not bother the user. “ The launch campaign show very effective results. We will definitely continue to try new formats and develop the already chosen techniques in telegram. Some time ago, we launch several more chat bots that tell us about the scooter and even help you choose a ripe watermelon ” Alexander Borzov, Head of the Samokat attraction marketing department.
Employees can instantly
Conclusions and recommendations Our Canada WhatsApp Number List new experience in the project has shown that the use of trending tools such as advertising in Telegram Ads is an effective way of promotion, not inferior to other popular tools – Yandex Direct, advertising in VK. To ensure your campaign is successful, here are a few tips and tricks you should know and follow: do not start with expensive mechanics for promotion , but move gradually, keeping an eye on the results of the previous step; you will be able to see high-quality results and growth dynamics thanks to a well-thought-out strategy and its phas implementation; Telegram Ads is great if it is important to simply convey the USP of the brand.
An immediate increase
Large coverage and many impressions New Zealand Phone Number are guarante; To attract subscribers to the channel, you should enable personalization – post and advertise suitable posts and publications , differentiating audiences. you ne to constantly look for what will work well, what makes you want to subscribe , do various creative things, otherwise you will gain few subscribers, and they will be expensive; A chatbot can have a high subscriber conversion rate if it provides users with a useful service or information . Telegram’s capabilities continue to expand, become more diverse and effective – our successful case is a clear example and confirmation of this.