Recently the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) has published a new edition of the Environmental Profile of Spain. The importance of this report is capital. If we take into account the principle that an informed society is a responsible society. In this sense, the Environmental Profile constitutes one of the main instruments for disseminating sustainability among citizens. The report is divided into 17 chapters that reveal the degree of compliance with environmental objectives. Sustainability with respect to European neighbors and the environmental evolution of the country during the last decade. The latter has been positive in many aspects such as the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, market growth and the employment generation capacity of the green economy, as well as the reduction of waste produced per inhabitant and its disposal in landfills.
Materials recovery: less waste, more recycling
A fact that invites optimism is the awareness of citizens regarding waste prevention and reduction. Taking Eurostat as a source. The amount of waste generated per household decreased by 32.8%, going from almost 2,000 kg/home in 2000 to 1,342 kg/home in 2011. This decrease in waste generation per inhabitant is has produced at a rate higher than that Australia Phone Number List experienced by the European Union. If the reduction in waste generation is a positive point, no less important is the notable growth in the selective collection rate. Which has increased by 89% since 2000. At the top of the selectively collected materials are paper – cardboard and glass. This indicator once again shows an optimistic outlook regarding the involvement of society, which is increasingly aware thanks to dissemination and dissemination campaigns such as those carried out by Ecovidrio. Although 63.4% of the waste generated is disposed of in landfills.
10 years of environmental transparency
The fact that the Environmental Profile celebrates its tenth edition without interruption is, without a doubt. A clear example of the success of the initiative and its long-term vocation. In this sense, it is also worth highlighting that the Spanish Government thus complies with the European commitments of access to environmental information. Established under the so-called Aarhus Convention of 1998 . The report consists of a general introductory chapter in which key aspects of the state social-economic 1000 Mobile Phone Number framework are drawn. And 82 sustainability indicators divided into 17 chapters and grouped according to. The corresponding environmental vector nature, sea, economy green and waste) and the affected economic sectors. Agriculture, energy, industry, fishing, tourism, transport and home. The collection and capture of data for this edition concluded in June 2014.