Twitter, 8 recommendations you should follow

Digital marketing, as we know it today, and to put it in extreme simplicity, is based on two fundamental pillars: interaction (of users, fans, clients or whatever we want to call them) and content (whatever this may be). Interaction and content need a communication channel through which they can act, develop and articulate themselves.

Although it may seem like a common

Sense statement, these pillars make it really relevant for a professional, a brand or a person to choose the communication channels they are going to use to interact and publish content: social networks , a website or web, a blog, forums…

Getting used to, and now

I am focusing on professionals and brands, opening social profiles without first establishing methodological guidelines, without carrying out analyses (of potential competitors, of our target, of content and keywords…) that help us in decision-making and that in a certain way reduce the level of uncertainty of what it really means for a brand to open a social profile.

Many companies are still not aware

In today’s article, after more than 4 years working with Twitter, with brands and clients, and with my own profile, I want to share with you, in the form of recommendations, the variables that after all these years, I consider essential for working professionally on this microblogging social network.


1.- Set some goals

It goes without saying that the first thing we should do before creating a Twitter account is to answer the questions: what for? and why? I want to be on Twitter.

Once clear about the goal

we must set some objectives that will help us achieve the goal, from generating brand awareness, to creating a personal brand, or simply sharing information related to a specific topic that I am a fan of or passionate about.

Everything is allow

This will help us to direct all the actions we take in the same direction, with the same meaning, optimizing our time and resources.

Tip: Set 3-4 goals, no more, half of them quantitative, referring to total followers and conversions, and some brand reputation or community satisfaction goals.

2.- Give it personality

As we have said before, the pillars of digital marketing are interaction and content, so whether we are a brand or an individual, we must provide our publications and therefore our Twitter profile with personality.

And what does this mean?

Well, defining the style (professional, serious, with a touch of humor…), the tone we are going to use, what type of language we want to use, the emphasis, the vocabulary… in a word, “humanize the profile.”


A real photograph, on providing

truthful information, because the individuals on the other side of the screen, whether we like it or not, are people, and we like to interact with people!!!

It would make sense for a dentist’s professional profile to make bad jokes, laugh at other users, be cynical… not really.

Tip: If you are a physical person, just be yourself. If you are a brand, apply and build the values ​​and attributes of the brand in digital communication.

3.- Useful and valuable content

Once we have set our objectives and given our Twitter profile personality, the next step is to define the type of content we want to publish, share, retweet… in short, how we are going to use the 148 characters.

In this regard, we cannot forget that approximately 350 million tweets can be sent daily, so if we want to generate interest and create a community, we have no other alternative than to start generating or sharing useful and valuable content, providing solutions, giving answers, generating debate and opinions…

All, try not to share without

knowing the source and the content!!! (believe me when I tell you that it is more common than it seems).

Tip: focus on what you are really good at, what you know, what you are passionate about and what enriches you, your hobby or profession, your experience and know-how… the career is long and you will be grateful for it!!!!

4.- Community of value

With the objectives, personality and content planned, we can now start creating a community of followers and those followed!!!


Well, I’m afraid not. Before we start, the right thing to do would be to define what we believe or want our target audience, target or follower to be. One that is consistent with the reasons that led us to create the profile, one that is consistent and helps us meet our objectives, one that aligns with the personality and type of content we have designed.

So it is not worth it to start following every living person with automatic tools!!!!

The main value of Twitter

and any social network will reside in the quality of your community, that it is active, shares, generates value, responds and contributes… otherwise, why would we want to have 100 million zombies (no matter how fashionable they are).

Tip: You can analyze the communities of relevant profiles that are similar or related to yours, for example.

Using lists on Twitter is essential

Organizing the community and the topics that interest us most, being able to easily find information of interest and ultimately segment and classify.

I recommend that you start from the beginning so that when you have 5,000 contacts you don’t have to start organizing.

Furthermore, by incorporating interesting people in topics that interest us, we are also informing them that we have added them, generating greater interrelationship.

The lists will also help us to filter tweets that we will recover in a much more direct way by having them segmented by content and profile.

6.- Engagement

Only when we have taken all the previous steps should we incorporate this concept into our Twitter strategy.

We have already made some progress in the previous points, and it is that it happens frequently, we can never forget that Twitter is a communication channel, instantaneous and fleeting where your tweet disappears from the timeline in just a minute, therefore it is essential to connect with the community, create debates, seek dialogue, generate

A link to a very good article

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7.- Consistency and more consistency

And it is at this point that I must repeat to you that a key to managing any social network is consistency, consistency in publications, in developing actions, in increasing the community, in responding and commenting when we are mentioned or when we are asked question.

Consistent, methodology

professional content planning, the design of the publication calendar, the strategy for attracting followers, the use of lists, monitoring of terms and keywords, analytics, mediation and KPIs are very helpful.

advertising database

Tip: Set a weekly schedule with the distribution of hours and actions that you are going to dedicate to social networks, or in this case to your Twitter profile, organize and plan, it will help you enormously.

8.- Help yourself with some tool

And so that you don’t feel alone in this arduous battle, of course you can and should use professional tools that help you manage your Twitter profile effectively and efficiently.

Of course, this always depends

On the needs we estimate, which are critical, since the variety is enormous: from SocialBro to Tweetdeck, from Hootsuite to Buffer, from Google Analytics to Twitter Analytics…

And if this short article seems too parsers for targeted advertising on vkontakte little to you, we’ll give you an extra recommendation at no cost…

Tip: We recommend that you at least use Twitter Analytics to have data on how your profile and community are progressing and at least a monitoring and programming tool like Social Bro.

9.- Other posts that may help

I leave you with a list of essential agent email list posts of articles from friends who are blocking, of the highest quality and useful, so that you can get the most out of your Twitter strategy.



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