Stories of brands that are succeeding even in a recession. The first client of v-review to be introduced is the puppywear brand <merlo> . check out the reasons why ceos byeong-seon min and soo-ji go. Who want to make the lives of their pet family members better through merlo started their business and the success strategies they learned through failure. What brand is merlo? Merlo was founded in 2020 and is a puppy wear brand that proposes a new lifestyle with dogs through a sports & classic concept based on walking culture . Actually, merlo is our dog’s name.
How did you start your business
While taking a walk with merlo. We couldn’t find a product we liked. So we decided to make it ourselves. When we were thinking about what kind Oman Phone Number Data of product to make. We started based on our experience that walking with merlo was the happiest time for both us and merlo. Brand merlot lookbook q. How did you start your business? At first. It was called a foot bag, but many people said that the small bag that holds the plastic bag that collects dog poop is very uncomfortable and not pretty.
Were there any difficulties when planning the product
Since we both majored in fashion design. We often talked about this and asked. “so, since it’s winter, shall we try making some padding?” so, we first launched it as a padded product in november 2020 . The price of padding started at 120,000 won, but we Australia Phone Number List made about 30 million won when we first opened. I think I had to reorder several times because it was sold out. Then this is a possibility. I think I thought I should give it a try. Q. Sales reached 30 million won in just 3 weeks of opening! How did you feel? It was so amazing. We weren’t friends who ran a business. We just literally worked at a company and made what we wanted to do and make and put it on the market.