What will be in our digital Members Lounge?

This week there have been major changes in the legislation for those of you. Who work with marketing and communication. The Marketing Act, the Price Information Act, the Contract Terms Act and the Distance Contracts Act are updated to provide stronger protection for consumers.

There has also been a decision from the Danish supervisory authority which opens the door for consent to be considered voluntary when, in order to obtain membership in a customer club, it was conditional on also receiving newsletters. The case is extremely interesting as there have been many questions about whether membership can be conditioned on marketing mailings based on consent. The decision thus seems open to it and it is interesting to follow a possible continuation of the case.

Digital and physical strengthen each other

How has it gone with the introduction you flagged for in our previous articles? Is this law changed according to the proposal now?

When the billĀ  was to be voted through, the choseĀ TG Number List to postpone the incorporation until. Furthermore, it was noted that one of the rules regarding realizations/price reductions was somewhat unclear. (which is the underlying regulatory framework from the EU) contains. Among other things, a new rule aimed at announcing price reductions. That these must contain information about the previous price that the trader has applied during a fixed period of time before the price reduction.

The said directive contains a requirement that EU member states may not prescribe. A time period of less than 30 days to determine the previous price. In addition, Member States are

What else is worth highlighting in market law in autumn 2022?

Furthermore, it should be noted that GDPR still 1000 Mobile Phone Numbers generates new questions and considerations. During the summer, the Irish data protection authority announced in a draft. Decision that it will block Meta from sending user data to ISA . This could mean that Facebook and Instagram cannot be used until. A new transatlantic data transfer agreement (similar to the privacy shield) is in place. However, the decision is on referral to the o Given the opportunity to implement the exceptions to the aforementioned main rule, which are set out below.

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