Ecoglass and the circular economy

We have already spoken on other occasions about how glass recycling has become a key driver of the circular economy model and green employment. These and other aspects such as sustainability and waste management were discussed on September 23 at the conference .”The Future of Sustainable Waste Management in a Circular Economy Framework. Organized by the Circular Economy Foundation. The forum included the participation of the general director of Ecovidrio. José Manuel Núñez-Lagos , as well as Javier Aguirre , general director of IHOBE.  Laura Rubio , Director of the Technical Secretariat of AERESS , and David Barrio.  Recycling Director of ASPAPEL. Challenges to optimize glass recycling ratios During the talk. Núñez-Lagos also addressed the challenges that Ecovidrio mainly has when it comes to improving glass recycling ratios.

One of them fundamentally involves

Collaboration with public administrations, establishing a framework in which we can work with a medium and long-term vision to achieve effective results.  The challenge is to convince local entities to give us and continue to give us the direct management of the collection. In Spain, currently 57% of the municipalities have handed over direct collection Australia Phone Number List management to us, and at Ecovidrio we consider that where we have management we are more effective and efficient. However, in those local entities that do not give us the collection. We have the challenge of convincing them to let us carry out the containerization and selective collection plans. The third challenge is logically to convince citizens and the hospitality industry to recycle. And to do so we will continue to make investments in awareness and sensitization.

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On the other hand, some lines of

Action were also discussed in relation to the circular economy package, such as, for example. The clear definition and the establishment of homogeneous calculation methods. On the other hand, in terms of specific objectives for glass and for glass recycling and preparation for reuse, these have to be realistic and sustainable. That is, they are based on technical studies and analyzed from an economic. Environmental and social perspective. Finally, Núñez-Lagos pointed out the need to make clear the costs that are attributed to the integrated management system, to the private responsibility of the producer, and that they have to be those costs of the direct management of the waste of each specific material. Without that other costs derived from garbage, cleaning, etc. are implicitly or explicitly attributed.

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