This is not likely to slow down in 2024. especially if ‘inline’ appearance. SEOs need to start thinking about being in the top 3 to gain any meaningful organic traffic. Google’s new AI search. SGE An example of Google’s new Search Generative Experience. AI SEO If you ask AI. “Where is the best place to get a coffee in London?” you’ll typically get a list of suggestions for each region (Central. North. South. East and West) with one of two suggestions for each location. These suggestions do not directly correlate to the top ranking results in organic search (well. not always) – so the recommendations are based on a completely different set of algorithms.
Where is the best place to get coffee in London
OR a sub-set of algorithms that the SERP uses (such as map listings Decision Maker Email List and review data). If chat/SGE features become more prominent in the SERP (which they are predicted to be). spending SEO time improving your digital footprint will add a LOT of value. Top Tip: Make sure you spend time submitting to awards. winning places in listicles and collecting great customer reviews. By doing so. your ranking positions in the SERP will also likely improve. Google Bard chat featuring the response of “Where is the best place to get coffee in London” Google Bard Chat .
SEO campaign. as AI can not recreate these
Bing AI chat featuring the response of “Where is the best place to 1000 Mobile Phone Numbers get coffee in London” Bing Chat “Where is the best place to get coffee in London?” Bing search with AI chat feature “Where is the best place to get coffee in London” Bing Search with integrated Bing Chat “Where is the best place to get coffee in London?” Non-AI SEO / “Human First” SEO Because AI can generate so much content so quickly. generating content that is NOT AI should form part of a solid SEO strategy. For example. photos of your team. offices. products and work will add value to an .