The TOP advertisers in traditional mia in the second quarter includ such players as GC FSK, Sber, LSR Group, Cyan Group and Donstroy. As for search demand, oneroom apartments continue to be of the greatest interest among Russians of requests are for this type of request. Quarterly dynamics show a drop in requests for apartments from to rooms and studios. The decrease in interest in studios was, in room apartments , in room apartments , in and room apartments.
Ad to ensure A matter where they are
Against this background, the population’s interest in purchasing apartments was record a positive growth of. The drop in requests for apartment Dominican Republic WhatsApp Number List purchases in the second quarter was compar to the first quarter of the year. If we compare the second quarter of with the second quarter of last year, then interest in new buildings and secondary housing decreas by and, respectively. The volume of inquiries for various classes of housing in the second quarter decreas by compar to a year earlier. Economy, business, premium and elite classes show a yearonyear decline.
The modern and mobile
Only the comfort class increas by (from . thousand to . thousand requests). Russians’ interest in inexpensive economyclass housing Sweden Phone Number decreas by. And this was the highest drop of all housing classes analyz (from . thousand to . thousand requests yearonyear). Against this background, in the second quarter the population’s demand for rental apartments increas significantly. The growth in requests was compar to the first quarter of . But interest in mortgages decreas by compar to the first quarter. Interest in real estate investment also fell by. In partnership with Adventum, we conduct quarterly analysis of search interest in real estate, as this helps market players prict demand in the next quarter and quickly respond to changes.