20 little-known tools for smart content creators

If you want your content marketing strategy to be successful. you nee to ship (or distribute) great content on a regular basis. Using the right tools is key to maximizing productivity. Creating more and better content is easy with. 20 little-known tools for smart content creators. The right tools. 56 of marketers have numerous content…

Too many marketing professionals think content marketing

Too many marketing professionals think content marketing pay-per-click strategies are an either/or proposition. Experts claim that organic search rankings generated by content marketing are more valuable, and this is reflected in the number of businesses planning to choose inbound marketing as their primary strategy. However, there are some who insist that inbound marketing is too…

The Prevention of Digital Violence in Minors

The  Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs of Castilla-La Mancha (FEFCAM) has an initiative to train pharmaceutical professionals in the use of parental control on mobile devices. This program aims to teach families about the prevention of digital gender violence in minors. According to the Spanish Data Protection Agency, 70% of cases of digital violence correspond to women and…

And structured data helps Google understand what your pages are about

Sentences that are easy to use for Very long articles, tables. Or lists of links are not suitable answers for voice searches. However, you should be aware of the following. Do not mass-produce navigation pages that only provide concise answers to queries that are likely  And structured data  to be frequently used in voice searches….


For all companies that want to establish solid relationships with followers and prospective customers, it is important to consider the content marketing tool as a strategy in which if you transmit information about what you sell or do in an ingenious and attractive way, it practically guarantees success in the company. Carrying out appropriate content…


帖子摘录步骤发表评论者外展以下是我使用这种网络研讨会促销策略所获得的结果示例。活动回复率约为。者这是您可以使用的模板帖子评论者和点赞者外展模板您好我之所以联系您是因为我看到了您对竞争对手的帖子的反应。我正在做一个网络研讨会我写了一份白皮书下周同样的事情。主题的更多内容吗最好的新山最好提出内容而不是直接提出您的产品或服务。 对于下一个技术我们将使用 完全相同的技术和工具但适用于活动参与 电话数据 者。联系竞争对手的活动参加者您参加活动的竞争对手之一好消息他可能在广告上花钱发送潜在客户信息等问题是你可以窃取所有这些工作的结果因为活动参与者的列表是公开的。第步查找事件参加活动是对某个主题感兴趣的重要信号。查找事件前往搜索写一些关键词使用事件过滤器您将看到充满潜在客户的活动列表。 查找竞争对手活动 步骤提取活动参与者要访问活动参加者列表 1000个手机号码 选项卡事件完成此操作后您可以返回并查找活动参加者提取器。将竞争对手活动嘉宾导出到您将在文件中获取所需的所有信息名姓领英网址职称度连接让我们看看联系这些人的最佳方式。步骤活动嘉宾外展您有个选项可以联系活动嘉宾活动开始前在事件发生后对于这种外展活动我会推荐。