Elementor #14554
The because it didnt work once analyze the results look for potential causes of problems and test. If you are a president I hope that this text has made you aware of the mistakes you should avoid when managing your companys marketing. And if you are a marketer I believe that this text will provide…
What YouTube Ads campaigns are and how they work
According to DataReportal statistics (2022), there are 43.20 million active users in Italy while an Ipsos study shows that the audience on YouTube is much more engaged than on TV or Instagram. Truly fertile ground for your digital marketing efforts. This is why in this article we see how the platform works, why it is…
What does an Advertiser do? How he works and what his skills are
By advertiser we mean the person specialized in advertising. Therefore, In particular online, i.e. everything related to ADS, paid advertisements on instagram, Google ADS (formerly AdWords), Twitter Advertising, sale of banners and display advertising, native advertising. Therefore, It is very difficult to find a figure specializing in each of these situations. There are people who…
What is Digital Advertising? How it works and what it is used for
Digital Advertising (online advertising) is a method of disseminating paid used for advertisements through the use of online channels. This type of sponsorship is often used by companies. To promote the promotion of products or services online. Thanks to digital advertising tools, a company or brand has a greater chance of being noticed by customers….
Everything you need to know about Facebook Audience Insights
It helps us not only make our campaigns more profitable. But also ensures that people see the information that is most relevant to them, improving the entire Facebook user experience. This is why it is important to know how to use facebook’s audience Insights tool. This tool allows you to analyze data based on demographic…
What is Facebook Ads Library? How to use it for marketing campaigns
When we talk about Ads, as we have said several times, there is a lot to consider, from targeting the right audience to choosing the settings to creating the creativity. Many entrepreneurs and marketers use Facebook Ads Library (now Meta Ads Library) as it is a truly free database of advertising campaigns that you can…
How to know how much a competitor invests in Google Ads
If we were the only ones selling that particular service/product we would have no competitors (which can be a good thing but also a bad thing). And instead in almost all cases we have competitors with whom we can play for market shares. Here, the analysis of the How to know Google Ads competition is…
How to know how much a competitor invests in Google Ads
Studying the competition and competitors to understand what the strengths and weaknesses of your product on the market may be is essential. This is why competitor analysis, or benchmarking , is a necessary activity for companies. That wish to position themselves strategically in the digital sector. Therefore, In this way you will be able to…